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Interested in orienteering but don’t know where, or how, to start? Come on out to our next Beginner Clinic at G Ross Lord Park. We’ll show you how to use a compass, how to read an orienteering map, and walk with you through an orienteering course.

Note that there are limited spots per session. Pre-registration is required, the day before the intended clinic, to guarantee your spot. Drop-in registration will be accepted if there are spots available, but there is no guarantee.

The session will be between 60 and 90 minutes and will cover the following topics:
- introduction to Orienteering
- map reading basics
- compass basics
- guided walk of the beginners course (~2km), where we will discuss navigation and will try to find the checkpoints.
Please dress according to the weather conditions and wear hiking shoes/boots.
Start time Wednesday, August 26th, 6:00 pm

Register Online


Meet directors: Oliver Tabay

Clinic coordinator: Oliver Tabay

Major intersectionDufferin St.- Finch Ave. W

North parking lot.

If driving, enter the park through the entrance on the east side of Dufferin Street, north of Finch Ave. W., at Supertest Rd. Inside the park entrance, continue past the first parking lot on the right, and take the second left to the starting point in the large parking lot.


Location G. Ross Lord Park